Bikram Hot Yoga Profitability

If you are looking for open a Bikram Hot Yoga center, here you will find figures about management of a success center.

We choose a 250m2 local after analyzed different options in order to balance investment expenses and profitability.

A Bikram Hot Yoga center has: exercise room, lockers and reception.

Income with 100% occupation

Price per class: 13€

38 persons x 23 classes = 874 persons/week

874 persons x 4 weeks = 3496 persons/month

3496 persons x 13€ = 45.448€/month

Income with 50% occupation

Price per class: 13€

19 person x 23 classes = 437 persons/week

437 persons x 4 weeks = 1748 persons/month

1748 persons x 13€ = 22.724€/month

Expenses with 100% occupation                    Expenses with 50% occupation

Rent                                         2000€                                       2000€

Teachers                                  3000€                                       3000€

Energy                                       600€                                         600€

Laundry 7000towels/month     2520€                                       1260€                          (0,36€/towel)

Tax (21%)                                9544€                                       4772€

Others                                     2000€                                        2000€

Total                                      19,664€/month                          13,632€/month

Income                                  45,448€/month                          22,724€/month

Profit                                     25,784€/month                           9,092€/month

The Bikram Hot Yoga Center has to be located in an upper-middle income area, the key is to find a local with a good price for rent otherwise the profit will be for the landlord. The contract period should be 15 years minimum.

The Bikram hot yoga teachers are a matter that has to be solved before to rent a local if you do not arrange it first you cannot make Bikram practice ads just hot yoga.

The energy expense is a fundamental factor, you can pay 600€/month or 5000€/month as happens in some centers we know, in this case the profit is for the energy company.

The taxes will be less than 21%, you have to deduce the taxes payed to your suppliers.


The investment expenses are: project, construction permit, construction, equipment, towels, marketing, money for firsts moths.

The ete equipment are:

  • Heating system HYB/Air treatment
  • Hot water/showers
  • Cold water

The construction period recommended is 90 days, make a deal with professionals with references.

The technical installations are a value that determinate a success or fail, when the environment is unpleasant with bad odor, difficult to breath, temperature and humidity uncontrolled, makes that the clients give up, bad references and if the water for showers has not the right temperature 40ºC and 10ºC the clients will complain about it.

The energy bill has a lot to do with the technology used, as I said before 600€ or 5000€/month. The equipment manufactured by Europea Térmica Eléctrica for Bikram Hot Yoga Centers has operating guarantee, generate the right environmental conditions and guarantees that the energy consumption for 23 classes/week (90 minutes) is 600€/month.

The Bikram Hot Yoga is not a temporal fashion, it is a millennial technique to keep body vitality and mental equilibrium.

All my life I have been practicing sports, 3 years ago I started to practice yoga twice a week in Bikram Rosales Madrid, the first classes I thought that I was not capable to do this sport, the staff encourage me to do the 7 classes and now I have to say that it is the best sport I have ever do.  Bikram has change my life, I am on my 30’s again in all ways, my mind is calm, I face the problems with lucidity, I have the control.

To the whom are looking for invest in a Bikram Hot Yoga center, I recommend to look for the wellness benefits, there are a lot.

Once you are convinced about the greatness of this practice, contact with Europea Térmica Eléctrica, with the Bikram teachers association, find the local, an architect, a constructor and in the following 3 months you will open your success business for many years.

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