Industrial heating

The heating is necessary in the countries where the minimum temperatures in winter are under 10ºC. It is important to heat industries, factories, churches, green houses, farms or any other building with big dimensions.Electric heat storage system ete

There are some factors to think about in order to chose the best heating systems as: comfort, low energy cost, zero maintenance expenses and finally fare installation price.

Our proposal: to install electric heat storage (industrial heating) through liquid mass using electric night rate.

Europea Termica Electrica designs and manufactures electric heat storage systems since 1980.

The last project developed was in Barcelona. Our technical department studies the best option to heat Pirelli headquarters. Their target was to save money, get a safe system and with service guarantee.

Pirelli relied on us and nowadays the saving they have is up to 65% using our heat storage system. Their obsolete heating system was diesel.

The electric heat storage system (industrial heating) can be combined with renewable energy.

A 300m2 industrial bay with 4m ceiling and -3ºC outside temperature using our technology needs 30kw. The electric heat storage system will work charging heat between midnight and noon therefore there is not needed to increase the power.

According to our 38 years experience use the electric heat storage system will save between 60% and 70%, the investment will be recovered in near 3 years.

Industrial Electric Boiler

It is time to review the production costs in order to be competitive. By changing old boilers your industry will reduce the production costs, will increase the security, will eliminate odours and will reduce break downs. The new industry has to design the installations for all their process according to the new technologies and the new energetindustrial electric boilers eteic costs.

Nowadays the balance of the energetic cost is favorable for the electricity. The reason is simple; the electricity is being producing by wind, solar thermal or photovoltaic.

Our recommendation is to use: electric steam boilers, electric water boilers, superheated water boilers or electric oil boilers to improve your production and reduce costs.

Since 1977 Europea Termica Electrica manufactures electric steam boilers, electric water boilers and superheated water boilers. Due to the technology we apply the industrial electric boilers has low energetic consume, minimum maintenance expenses, 100% efficiency and without explosion/fire risk.

Another advantage for the industrial electric boilers Ete is that you can install small electric boilers for every production point avoiding the installation of a big boiler and distribution nets causing 30% energy loss.

Installing Ete technology you will produce the energy your process need. The warranty for industrial electric boiler is up to 10 years.

Industrial Boiler Cost-effective

Which are the elements to determinate if an industrial boiler is cost-effective?

1.- PriceIndustrial boilers

2.- Installation costs

3.- Maintenance costs

4.- Useful life

5.- Efficiency

6.- Energy cost

7.- Breakdowns.

I do remember a case in an industry located in Spain, they needs were to melt plastic through a press. Our technical department proposal was to install a 60kw electric thermal oil boiler for each press; they have 10 presses in total.

Finally this industry rejected our proposal; the electric boilers price was the determinant factor. Two years later I was informed that the boilers were cracking the oil, blocking pipes and heating coils. The maintenance costs was higher than they expected, in order to keep the process going they had to stop producing to clean pipes, heating coils even buy new valves and recirculation pumps each year.

Their supplier recommended for each press 150kw electric thermal oil boiler due to the boilers efficiency.

Our proposal was 60kw electric thermal oil boiler due to our technology and high efficiency. Our electric thermal oil boiler does not crack the oil, maintaining the oil properties as a lubricant for all its life.

As you see this industry was forced to install 1500kw instead of 600kw, wasting 5,400€ for power term, in Spain the energy companies charge 6€ per each kWh.

About other installations, the energy used is fuel and they are obliged to install a fuel tank, pumps, burners, chimneys and fire/explosions security systems.

The electric boiler manufactured by ETE only requires electric installation and hydraulic connections.

The maintenance expenses are low, the superheated electric boiler, electric thermal oil boiler and electric water boiler does not need any maintenance. The steam electric boiler needs water treatment.

The industrial electric boilers manufactured by ETE are in the market since 1977, we monitoring the boilers installed since 1980 until now and they are still working without breakdowns and the same efficiency as the first day (100%).  Our experience allows to give to our clients 10 years guarantee in: industrial electric water boilers, industrial superheated water boiler, industrial electric thermal oil boiler and 5 years guarantee for the industrial electric steam boiler.

Nowadays the energy cost is the same between them (electricity, fuel oil, etc.) with advantage for the electricity as consequence of its production through renewable energy. The industry that have high energy consumption they have a lower electric energy prices and cheaper than fuel energy.

The electric boilers ETE has been designed and manufactured with components thought to last years without breakdowns. Any of our clients can confirm it.

It is important to value the breakdown cost, what happens if the productions stops and you cannot deliver the orders.

It is obvious that the electric boiler price is only one factor to be evaluate in order to define if the industrial electric boiler is inexpensive, you should consider that the boiler price will pay once but the rest are heavy expenses that will should pay as long the process last.