We deal with two issues: that the environment in the work centers in winter is ideal for the comfort of the staff improving productivity and that the cost of heating is minimal.
When the outdoor temperature drops below 15 C it is necessary to install heating systems in the work centers, to maintain the comfort of the personnel and to avoid that the productivity decreases.
Years ago, I was talking about the owner of a car repair shop who asked us to install a heating system because he had noticed that in winter the productivity of the mechanics fell by more than 50%, we installed a heat storage equipment that consumed the kwh at 0.05 €, the heat was distributed by the workshops with ducts of hot air. This was about 10 years ago and since then the temperature in the workshop is 20ºC throughout the winter.
Europea Térmica Eléctrica, manufactures heat production equipment since 1977 that is installed in a simple way in industrial units, workshops that do not have a heating system.
The cost of energy is a factor that has to be reduced so that the heat service can be given.
In industries and warehouses that have a combustion heat system or heat pumps, they must be replaced by a low-temperature electric or heat-charged kwh valley to reduce monthly expenses by more than 50% by eliminating the problems of odors, gases, risk of fire and explosion.
In the last 20 years the production of electricity with renewable energies is increasing and the cost of kwh is decreasing, the opposite of what is happening with the combustible energies.
Many people believe that electricity is expensive, but the reality is the opposite, you have the feeling that gas is cheap and electricity is expensive. I was told by a person who paid more electricity than gas, I asked him which service has with gas, He answered that the kitchen, I clarify that with electricity had, the refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, hair dryer, lighting, tv, computers, blender, freezer and all the services that gives the electricity in the houses, he said I was right, that for what he paid for electricity he had a lot more services than with the gas and he gave me the reason for the cheap which was electricity.
The heat production equipment manufacture by Europea Térmica Eléctrica can be installed in all types of industrial units and shops.
The perfect system to change the old combustion boilers is the production of heat in the valley hours with the heat accumulation equipment, it charges the heat during the night with cheap kwh and is discharged into the environment during the day with the heating systems they currently have. This system does not require extending the contracted power.
There are hundreds of cases that I remember about the implementation of our equipment to provide heating service.
I remember a client who needed to heat a pharmaceutical warehouse, had to control that never lower the temperature of 16ºC. Health had put a check to verify that they met the standard.
The place had 500m2 and 4m ceilings, the client told me that he could not spend more than €70,000, we installed four electric boilers ETE of 7.5kW each and the cost of equipment plus facilities was €28,000. In addition, you have the possibility to take them if you change places. The daily expenditure in the cold months does not exceed 30€ per 24 hours of heating.
If you have a warehouse or shop without heating or with an old system, you can consult without commitment to the technicians of ETE and we will facilitate the cost of the investment and the monthly expense in the coldest months, you will be able to compare with what you currently spend and make a zero-investment plan.
For a zero-investment plan, asks for a credit for the value of the equipment and with the money that is saved monthly in the energy bill amortizes the credit every month and once paid you will get an extra profit every month in the business.