Bikram Hot Yoga Studio

A Bikram Hot Yoga Studio works with the people’s harmony, this harmony should be present in all its forms: high quality materials, friendly colors, proper light, good quality air… all those elements are parts of the Bikram center even the reception, locker room and technical room.Bikram Hot Yoga Studio, europea térmica eléctrica

The soul of the hot-yoga practice is to get the physical and spiritual harmony.

Europea Térmica Electrica is dedicated to assisting the prospective yoga studio owner in creating a facility of the highest standard in construction, environmental integrity efficiency, safety and spirit. Whether you are looking to build a new studio or make upgrades to a current facility, we can provide unparalleled expertise through consultation, services, proper building material and equipment choices.

We have the experience and know-how to guide you every step of the way from site selection to scheduling and getting you are ready for your clients. We can continue to provide consultation services and upgrades to your studio as your needs continue to grow with your client base.

We are going to shedding some light about how much will be cost to build a 200m2 Bikram yoga studio (100m2 exercises area) and the appropriate equipments:

The estimated price per square/meter would be 800€, including: building cost, project and licenses.

It is imperative to choose high quality materials with long life guarantee; those materials should be easy to clean up perfectly.

We highly recommend use electricity as energy and this expenses should not be higher than 30€/day.

About the equipments, all of them should work with electricity, in order to avoid explosion and fire risk.

Our advice as experts and researchers about the human body with 37 years experience we do recommend to install: an electric equipment to produce heat and humidity (40ºC – 60%) in the exercise room, an electric equipment for air quality, an electric hot water for showers (40ºC) and cold water (4ºC).

Europea Termica Electrica has developed those equipments, its efficiency, low consume and quality has been proved since 1980 in hundred of installations, there are prepared to work 24/7.

Count on us, it will represent the base of the success.

Electric steam boiler for melt wax

The bee-keeping uses steam for industrial process in the hives

The ETE technical departement has calculated and designed a steam boiler for wax extraction.electric steam boiler

It has been installed a electric steam boiler, it works to 130ºC and has 48kw – 400V III with a 64 kilos steam production per hour.

The client decided to install an electric steam boiler manufactured by ETE because of it’s simply installation, no odor that may contaminate the production, zero CO2 emissions, no explosion or fire risk.

The energetic costs have been changed in the last 20 years and the actual trend is to change the old combustion boilers for electric steam boilers ETE.

The electric steam boiler Ete has a 5 year guarantee. There are thousands working 24/7 for more than 30 years without breakdowns.

Heat a hothouse located in UAE

The agrarian hothouse’s production has been extended around the world and in the deserts with long solar hours are good places to produce food with low costs.

During the day the sun heat activate the production, the hothouse receives the radiation maintaining the right temperature for the seedsElectric boilers growing.

During the night it is necessary to give heat to compensate the heat lost.

Our technical department has calculated and designed the suitable electric boiler to produce heat for a hothouse in the UAE.

The electric boiler is given service to a 2 hothouses of 20.000 square meters each one and 4,5 meters ceiling height.

The indoor temperature required is 18ºC when the outdoor temperatures reach 4ºC.

The electric boiler designed by ETE is the model GP 1720/30 – 2000kw – 400 V III.

It has been planned that the boiler works with a 15ºC temperature increase (75ºC /90ºC).

The hothouses should thoroughly revise the heating production and change the old boilers for ETE electric boilers to reduce the energy cost in at least a 60%.

If you are interested in save money and get prices more competitive give us the square meters, ceiling height and temperatures indoors and outdoors. With this information we will calculate the power of the electric boiler for your hothouse.

Never take as reference the power of the combustion boiler; it is usual that its power is over dimensioned.