Pool Water Heaters, Coolers for pools and Coolers for showers…

Pool Water Heater.- Since 1977 ETE supplies electric equipments for this service with written guarantee. Our pool water heaters are suitable for swimming pools, relaxing pools and hydro-massage pools. The pool water heaters have 10 years guarantee. The pool water heater’s installation cost and maintenance are inexpensive.Wellness Center Equipments

Water heaters for showers.- The hot water for showers is easy to solve installing the water heaters manufacture by ETE since 1977. The water heaters for showers does not need chimney, storage fuel tank, it does not exist explosion/fire risk.

Coolers for toning pools and showers.- The sports installations (gyms, country clubs, spa-wellness centers) needs to improve their installations given to their clients something else like vitality; it is important to have a toning pool 8ºC and vitality showers 4ºC. If in your installation this system does not exist do not hesitate to contact us for more information. Once you have it you will see an after and before in your clients and in your business. Happy clients more income.

Selfclosing shower.- To save water and energy ETE has developed the selfclosing showers with electronic start up. There are two models: one selfclosing shower normal and other with mixer tap in order to give service for hot water (40ºC) and cold water (4ºC).

Swimsuit dryers.- The swimsuit dryers are an important service in the pools and Wellness centers, the swimsuit dryers manufactured by ETE gives a luxury service for your clients. It is in the market since 2003 and by now are hundreds of them installed around the world. It is pleasing to pack away the swimsuit dry; the clients will evaluate the service.

The swimsuit dryers can be a business when are installed with coin machine to charge 0,20€ for the service.

If in your country are many pools you can install 2 equipments with the coin machine system (one for each looker room) and the owner will give a good service without investment.

Europea Termica Electrica is on your disposal to study the best option for your pool, wellness center, gym. Our technical department will study your requirement for hot water showers, pool water heaters, coolers for pools/showers.

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